What is the Total Press Weight? Understanding the Total Press Weight Applied on the Foundation
A press is a gentle yet powerful machine.
A forging hammer is a type of machine that forms things in a way similar to a press.
In the case of a hammer, the reactive force generated between the dies is being exerted on the ground.
Accordingly, it is pounding on the earth itself.

In the case of a press, however, the reactive forces are exerted on the press itself. Accordingly, no reactive forces generated during forming are being exerted on the earth.
This means that a press with a capacity rating of 30000 kN is not exerting a dynamic load of 30000 kN on the foundation.
To better understand the dynamic load being exerted by a press on a foundation, put yourself in place of the press.

Imagine that you are stepping onto a scale and are trying to crush an apple with your hands.
If you have stepped quietly onto the scale before trying to crush the apple, the weight being displayed by the scale will remain steady.
This is the static load being exerted on the foundation, and only your own weight is being exerted on the foundation.
Next, while still standing on the scale, try to crush the apple with your hands. When you try to crush the hard apple, strength will flow through your body.
At this time, the value shown on the scale should start fluctuating somewhat. And the greatest fluctuation will occur at the instant you succeed in crushing the apple.
The maximum value shown on the scale reflects the dynamic load being applied on the foundation.
Likewise, the dynamic press load being exerted on the foundation will be the weight (mass) of the press +α.
The +α load will vary depending on the press type (application), but generally speaking it will be between 10~40% of the press weight.
If you were to place the apple on the scale and then smash it with a hammer, you would end up breaking the scale.
But if you are crushing the apple with your hands, though it will tire you out, it will not break the scale.
You yourself are truly gentle yet powerful!