Product Lineup
Mid-Size and Large Presses


High Precision
High Rigidity

Optimal for forming midsize
and large panels
and for deep-draw applications.
We also provide fully automatic
tandem line systems.

Product Specifications

Model SMX-Ⅱ-3000 SMX-Ⅱ-4000 SMX-Ⅱ-5000 SMX-Ⅱ-6000
 Unit S2/L2 S2/L2 S2/L2 S2/L2 S2
Capacity (kN)  3000 4000 5000 6000
stroke length (mm) 460 500 460 510 460 510 510 600※
Continuous spm (No Load) (min-1) 15~30 15~30 15~30 15~20
Die height (mm) 700 800 800 900 800 900 900
Slide area (LR×FB) (mm) 2150×1250 2450×1250 2500×1250 2750×1250 2500×1400 2750×1400 2750×1500
Bolster area (LR×FB) (mm) 2150×1400 2450×1400 2500×1400 2750×1400 2500×1500 2750×1500 2750×1500

※Crank motion only
・Standard specifications range from 3000 kN to 6000 kN. Custom presses with higher capacities can also be provided.
・These specifications are subject to change without notice.

Catalog Download

SMX Catalog
